My Days of Wine


Employed 1946-7 at winery in workshop as welder


Recollections from Alan

Wally Lacey was in the workshop.

Pop Wiltshire taught Harry Foreman the lathe.

"Handles" Pasche, welded cellar steam pipework.

Curly Dawson was a painter.

Ted Parker was the senior electrician.

Reg Lacey was his apprentice.

May Fiedler, worked there for years. In Alan's time she tested the Beaume of the grapes in No. 1 Ferment etc.

Ridge homes were erected in 1946-7 from Loveday Internment Camp and Herman Wierenga in charge.

Blue Evan's stepfather was Bill Jaycock.

Alby Priest worked with Bert Berriman.

George Gory was a barrel washer and barrel end painter.

Bill Rump was buying for Penfolds up until 1953. Then son Murray took over.

Bill was a rogue, while Murray was OK.

Alan Sampson
Alan Sampson pictured here with his wife Louise in the 1950's.

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Alan Sampson