Friday March 11th 1927, page 118
The enclosing and roofing of Block 3 was in progress and underground
tanks 801 to 812 were being installed and would be covered by a lean-to
section on the northern side. Provision for stillage above the 5,000
gallon tanks would be installed later.
The building in its layout and construction, and the business which it
represents, consitute a monument to the genius of the manager. When Mr.
Rump, whose experience had been gained at Seppeltsfield, was appointed
five years ago, the business was in a bad way and there was a total
storage of 35,000 gallons. Today the distillery has a storage capacity
of close on 2,000,000 gallons, and there is no sounder business in
Australia. The enlargement of the premises has been made possible by
generous grants of money from the State Treasury, and the present
prosperity is due largely to the Commonwealth export bounty on sweet
wine, but Mr. Rump's management must still be counted the prime factor
in the success of the venture. Without the assurance of good
management, as Mr. Butterfield stated during his recent visit to Berri,
the Government might well have hesitated before advancing, as they
done, over £100,000 for construction work.
Mr. Rump ststed on Friday that some 3,000 tons of Currant grapes had
been received this season up to that date. The deliveries were being
handled without difficulty, and provision is made for receiving 300
tons of grapes a day, or 1500 tons per week. The management is looking
forward to making 500,000 gallons of spirit and 400000 gallons of sweet
wine during the current vintage. This has already been sold at prices
that are expected to return the growers a minimum of £8 a ton for their
grapes. The total crushings should exceed 20,000 tons tons of grapes,
and th total wine made (including that for conversion into spirit)
should approximatefour million gallons.
Speaking subsequently at the luncheon at the Riverside Hotel, Mr.
Cheriton said the the distillery has a total storage capacity of
1,950,000 gallons, equal to the prduct of 13,000 tons of grapes, and
bond storage for 138,600 gallons of spirit, the product of 4,000 tons
of grapes. The stills were able to treat the wine from 2,400 tons,
yielding over 80,000 gallons of spirit a month.
There were 120 fermenting vats with a capacity of 300,000 gallons, 48
for wine maturing with a capacity of 394,000 gallons, and the new room
provided storage for 400,000 gallons for distillation. On an estimate
of 20,000 tons of grapes the amount paid in Excise this year would be
about £255,000.
Have photo showing completed building
Friday April 22nd 1927, page 190
Delays at the Distillery resulting in shareholders waiting six to seven
hours to unload their grapes and the shareholders from the outlying
area of Cobdogla an Loveday felt that a specific crusher could be
allotted for their prime use.
Weekly delivery quotas were in force and there a general hiccup with
the Anzac Day holiday which meant that many growers missed out on their
weekly delivery. The writer of the article sincerely hoped that
management would address the problem.
Friday June 24th 1927, page 297
The Board had approached the Adelaide University reguesting advice for
controlling the objectionable smell of the evaporating effluent
contained in the "Lily Ponds" and the Winkie drainage basin.
By Tuesday June 21st 19, 229 tons had passed over the weighbridge
Friday July 15th 1927, Page 334
The Pioner reported that a meeting of 236 shareholders was held on the
evening of Monday July 4th at Barmera to discuss further extensions to
the distillery. Mr. H.P. Tilley of Messrs G.R. Annells, Tilley and
Henderson (the Company's Auditors) explained in detail the financial of
the Company and shareholders' interest in respect of share capital
should they agree to subscribe the amount required to meet the cost of
further extensions out of their 1927 tonnage delivered.
The proposed extensions would cost approximately £18,000 and would be
funded from share capital and deductions would be 10/- per ton for the
1927 and 1928 vintages. The meeting unanimously agreed for the
additions and alterations to proceed along with deductions from both
The new vintage cellar became known as No. 2 Ferment Cellar.
Friday October 28th 1927, page 514
A report was published in the Murray Pioneer of a review given by
Mr. R. H. Martin, a committee member of the Federal Viticultural
Council, of the operation of the Wine export Bounty Act at a
Viticultural Congress held at Rutherglen, Victoria. Mr. Martin's
address covered the period from 1901 to 1927.
In the period 1901-1904 there was an over-production of grapes and wine
and grape prices were reduced to 30/- per ton which rendered grape
growing unprofitable and large areas of vines were uprooted. During the
ensuing years regulations were introduced which allowed only grape
spirit to be used for the fortification of wine and that which
prohibited the making of brandy from anything other than grape wine.
The drought of 1914 was responsible for the virtual failure of the 1915
vintage and stocks of wine did not become normal until 1922 when the
supply of wine exceeded the demand and grape prices fell from 1/3rd to
1/2 of the price paid in 1921. In 1923 prices fell further and in 1924
Doradillos were sold, with difficulty, as low as £3 per ton.
The production of wine during 1920 to 1924 gave a good summary of the
Vintage |
Gallons |
1920 |
7,649,404 |
1921 |
11,014,220 |
1922 |
8,542,573 |
1923 |
11,427,793 |
1924 |
14,663,881 |
In 1924 the "Doradilla Committee" estimated that this variety produced
about 9,500,000 gallons which included beverage wine and wine used for
brandy and spirit production plus sweet fortified wine for export.
Rather than uproot some 10,000 to 15,000 acres, some of which was still
to come into full production, the Federal Viticultural Council
proposed the Bounty Act which came into operation on the 1st September
1924. This provided that a bounty of 4/- per gallon should be paid on
all wines of a merchantable quality and of an alcoholic strenght of no
less than 34% proof spirit exported out of Austarlia. It should be
noted that the excise paid by the winemaker amounts approximately 1/6
per proof gallon, so the so-called bounty of 4/- was actually made up
of a drawback of 1/6 and a bounty of 2/6 per gallon of wine.
British Tariff rates September 1924
Strength |
Per Gallon |
Not Exceeding 42% proof Spirit |
Foreign 6/- |
Not Exceeding 42% proof Spirit |
Empire 5/- |
Not Exceeding 30% proof Spirit |
Foreign 2/6 |
Not Exceeding 30% proof Spirit |
Empire 1/6 |
Trade Growth for period 1923-1928
1923/24 |
Nil |
1924/25 |
875,565 gallons |
1925/26 |
1,722,622 gallons |
1926/27 |
3,077,588 gallons |
1927/28 |
3,152,178 gallons |
The increase in export to Great Britain reduced stocks of wine and
resulted in a greater demand for grapes and increased prices.
Winemakers responded to this by installing additional storage of both
tanks and casks and the latest machinery to enable the processing of
increased tonnages of grapes.
Prior to this the Prime Minister had directed the Tariff Board to look
at the industry and had recommended to maintain the bounty at 4/- per
gallon for the next 5 years. However a minority report attached
recommended a reduction to 3/- per gallon. No decision was made before
the 1927 vintage took place and when the reduction was introduced it
caused severe problems with both financial and storage problems. The
Government had acted with ineptitude and procrastination.
Friday March 16th 1928, page 104
Wine Bounty Reduction
Industry leaders had roundly condemned the reduction and would mean
that the landed cost of duty paid wines from Australia would be above
the British, Portuguese and Spanish wines.
At Berri a meeting of 156 growers unanimously carried a resolution of
strong protest against the proposed reduction.
A deputation consisting of Messrs W. Gursansky (president of the Grape
Growers' Association), S. W. Coombe (Renmark Growers' Distillery) and
H. W. Dalziel (Berri Cooperative Distillery) went to Canberra to
Friday April 20th 1928, page 154
What has the Bounty cost
A speech by a Mr. Parsons in the House of Represntatives supporting
the 4/- per gallon has cost some £300,000 odd and had saved
thousands of returned soldiers from ruin.
Friday October 12th 1928, page 414
At end of 1928 stocks of fortifying spirit there was 500,000 proof
gallons in store